Kathy Beliveau – The Yoga Game

It’s the start of a new year, and many of us have made resolutions to improve our health: drink less, exercise more, stop smoking, cut out sugar… maybe even do a little yoga? Even if you aren’t going to commit to a yoga regime for yourself, why not expose your toddlers or older children to this fun and healthy lifestyle practice? It’s easy to do through story and play with the new book by Kathy Beliveau (illustrated by Farida Zaman) called The Yoga Game.

The Yoga Game is described as a book that “invites children (of all ages) to play with the words, guess the riddles and enjoy an actual yoga practice, while introducing the concepts of balance, breath and focus. Entertaining rhymes, enchanting riddles and vibrant illustrations create a rich, multi-layered experience.”

Kathy is a friend of ours, so we won’t review the book in depth, except to say that Holman’s three year-old daughter loves the book and finds it completely engaging.  Instead, we’ll let the yoga experts do the talking:

  • “One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to teach them the science of fun. Kathy Beliveau has empowered parents to do just that with this creative, wonder-filled yoga book for children. What a find!” ~ Kia Miller, Yoga Teacher
  • “This book is a gem – beautifully written, playful, and artistically illustrated. The child in me loved it!” ~ Peter Sterios, Yoga Instructor & Founder— Manduka yoga mats
  • “This colourful and joyful book makes children laugh and love yoga. I use Kathy’s fun yoga riddles in classes with kids and they love it. They play, guess the animal names, giggle and go into the poses.  The final relaxation is perfect, especially for special needs kids who need exactly this kind of calming down. I recommend this book for every yoga teacher, and to school teachers and parents as well. It’s easy to follow and simple to teach.” ~ Padma,  Padma Yoga Television Series
  • “Anyone that practices yoga and spends time with children knows that kids are born yogis! The Yoga Game is a great way to bring kids and adults together in this accessible, fun, and life changing tradition.  It is a book that will likely remain a favourite on your shelves, dog eared and stained from years of yoga fun! ~ Jessica Robertson, Co Founder – Moksha Yoga
