Without further ado, the covers for Star Wars Epic Yarns! A big thanks to the fabulous Ryan Hayes at Chronicle Books for the amazing book design! Read more →

Without further ado, the covers for Star Wars Epic Yarns! A big thanks to the fabulous Ryan Hayes at Chronicle Books for the amazing book design! Read more →
Guess it’s easy to see what we’re excited about this Halloween! Read more →
It’s a big day around here. The proofs for Star Wars: Epic Yarns are in! Here’s a picture of Holman in his studio reviewing the proofs. They look fabulous, and the books will be off to first printing soon. Can’t wait to share these books with the world! Read more →
Two weeks ago, Holman had the privilege of attending the Chronicle Books Spring 2015 Children’s Tea in San Francisco. At the event, attended by booksellers, librarians, and reviewers, Holman had the opportunity to present our upcoming three-volume board books series, Star Wars: Epic Yarns. Holman explained the philosophy behind abridging adult stories into word primers, and gave a quick behind-the-scenes… Read more →
From Jack’s Facebook page today: Today, I received author copies of The Humber Literary Review. Tonight, I’m going to see Ian McEwan. One of those rare good days when the writing life doesn’t just take my blood. Read more →
Holman had the great pleasure of attending the Washington / Oregon SCBWI Illustrators Retreat held at the beautiful Dumas Bay Center this past weekend in Federal Way, Washington. Here’s a quick photographic tour: Here’s the whole gang: One of the incredible faculty members, Kelly Murphy, sharing her wisdom. Class in session! Evidence of why Holman sticks to needle felting! Another… Read more →
Happy 186th birthday, Leo Tolstoy! Google honours the man today with a beautiful animated doodle by artist Roman Muradov. Here are some screen grabs from the doodle, matched up with the Cozy Classics versions! And did you know that the BBC is planning an epic 6-part adaptation of War and Peace for 2015! Here’s the latest news on the project. Read more →
In case you missed it, here’s the full profile of Cozy Classics from the April / May 2014 issue of American Craft. American Craft is absolutely gorgeous magazine, and a must-read for artists and crafters everywhere. The online version of the article is here. Cozy Classics is also featured in this American Craft trailer at 1:32, where we’re praised for… Read more →
We’re back from a well-earned vacation after the marathon that was working on the Star Wars Short & Sweet books, and we’re ready to announce our next Cozy Classics title: Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations! As you can see from the picture below, Ms. Havisham and The Criminal have already started to take shape, albeit in alien form for the moment. Read more →
Check out Publishers Weekly’s sneak peek at children’s books for spring 2015. Under Chronicle Books, you’ll see mention of Star Wars Short and Sweet: A New Hope (our needle-felted versions of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi will be coming out at the same time). We can’t show you any images yet, but we can assure you… Read more →