Holman reports on his artists talks and felting workshops in majestic Haida Gwaii. Read the full blog post here. Read more →

Holman reports on his artists talks and felting workshops in majestic Haida Gwaii. Read the full blog post here. Read more →
Holman had the great pleasure of going to San Diego Comic-Con 2015 to promote Star Wars Epic Yarns. Here’s his report: Wow! What a thrill to go to San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend! Let me give you a quick visual tour of my whirlwind Thursday to Saturday trip. When I arrived, it was impossible to miss that Comic-Con was… Read more →
I had the great privilege of attending the American Booksellers Association’s 9th annual Winter Institute (WI9) this past Thursday. When I stepped into the Grand Ballroom at the Westin in Seattle, the wonderful sign and big stack of Cozy Classics: Emma shown above awaited me. For an hour-and-a-half, I was happily inundated with eager signature-seekers. It was a thrill for… Read more →
This past weekend, I attended the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits in Seattle, Washington for a book signing event. I drove down to Seattle from Vancouver, and after a stop at Trader Joe’s in Bellingham (which we don’t have in Canada) to pick up goodies like English toffee and chocolate-covered cherries, I arrived at the Washington State Convention… Read more →
Jack and I are thrilled to announce that illustrations from Cozy Classics have been selected for the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair which runs from March 25-28, 2013 in Bologna, Italy! We are among 77 illustrators (or teams of illustrators)—and only four from North America—selected from over 3,000 entries by an international jury of publishers, artists, and… Read more →
This past weekend, I had the honour of being invited to attend the Pacific Northwest Bookseller Association‘s fall tradeshow. I was part of a select group of authors invited to autograph copies of our books at the Saturday Nightcapper event. I shared a table with another Simply Read Books author, Kathy Beliveau, author of the wonderful picture book The Yoga… Read more →
When Jack and I began thinking about which two titles to launch Cozy Classics with back in early 2010, we knew we wanted a “girl-friendly” title and a “boy-friendly” title. We also wanted the titles to be popular while still having a certain amount of literary gravitas. Beyond that, it was a wide-open choice. Many worthy candidates were discussed, but… Read more →
It’s a trite observation that the classics have inspired countless other stories and works of art. The ties that bind the old and the new are many, and recently, I picked up on a little thread involving, of all things, coffins. Read more →
Moby Dick was first published in 1851. Not exactly the hey-day of involved fathering. Herman Melville’s epic—-with a central plot chronicling Captain Ahab’s monomaniacal pursuit of the Great White Whale, and numerous meandering asides which painstakingly detail aspects of the whaling industry—-is not where one would expect to find a deft observation by Melville on the delicate subject of breastfeeding.… Read more →